Somatic Experiencing
Somatic ExperiencingTM is a body-oriented approach to healing trauma and other stress disorders. It is the life’s work of Peter A. Levine, PhD, resulting from his multidisciplinary study of stress physiology, biology, neuroscience, psychology, and indigenous healing practices, together with over 50 years of successful clinical application. The Somatic ExperiencingTM approach releases traumatic shock and restores connection with the deepest parts of ourselves, which is key to transforming Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and the wounds of emotional and early developmental attachment trauma.
SE offers a framework to assess where a person is “stuck” in the fight, flight, or freeze responses, and provides clinical tools to resolve these fixated physiological states.
Trauma may begin as acute stress from a perceived life-threat, as the end product of cumulative stress, or as the result of a single “shock trauma” event. All of these stressors can seriously impair a person’s ability to function with resilience and ease, and live in the here-and-now. With Somatic ExperiencingTM, once fixed physiological states are resolved, a sense of freedom and liberation can be restored and clients can enjoy a natural state of peace and ease.
Often unresolved trauma creates stressful sleep difficulties, so attention to sleep habits in tandem with Somatic Experiencing can produce lasting improvements in sleep habits and stress management.
Sound Sleep
From my experience working individually with hundreds of Sound Sleep students and individual clients, 95% have improved the quality of their sleep primarily through attention to stress management.
Stress reactivity produces bothersome symptoms—we feel frantic, we can’t think straight or make good decisions. And—we can’t sleep.
With education and awareness, we can learn to choose simple practices that help us feel better by regulating our nervous system. We can restore our ability to make sound decisions, reason and analyze, feel empathy for others, and relax into healthy sleep.
Stress Reduction
If you are struggling with the long-term effects of the pandemic, grappling with the stress of how to support yourself at your job, dealing with kids who are having academic or social difficulties—or perhaps just trying to cope with the typical demands of every day—you are not alone.
The “way out” is through going “in:” learning how to manage your nervous system and restore your natural sense of peace and ease. This state is not reserved for just the lucky few; it can be learned through gentle, consistent habit change and supported inner growth. The result is a state of resilience where you’re able to handle life’s daily challenges with grace—and even discover a sense of peace and ease which could be described as happiness!